The Shipped List
If you’ve read very much within this blog, you’ll know that I’m a huge Seth Godin fan. If I could only follow or read one “Social Media/business guru/author” or whatever the heck Godin is, he is that guy.
A lot of what we’re doing right now at Professional One is STRAIGHT OUT OF Godin’s playbook (“sneezers,” anyone?). I subscribe to the RSS feed from his blog, and he inspires me daily.
Godin’s Wish?
And today – where he lists out the things he “shipped” (Godin-speak for “got done/accomplished”) during 2010 – was no exception. Here is the quote from that post that compelled me to write the post you are currently reading:
Your turn to post a list somewhere… You’ll probably be surprised at how much you accomplished last year. Go ahead and share with your friends, colleagues or the web… don’t be shy.
And, before I continue, Godin also wrote this in today’s post:
Funny, it’s actually difficult to publish a list like this… maybe that’s another reason we hesitate to ship, because we don’t want to tout too much.
So, before I continue, let me say that I realize fully how you may read this as over-the-top, shameless self promotion. And if you feel that way, I totally understand. But hang with me through the shamelessness, because there is a potentially valuable takeaway at the end (I promise!).
My Command!
That being said, here is our list of things that “shipped” at Professional One during 2010:
- Speaking: I was fortunate enough to be invited to speak at a number of industry events, including Inman Connect San Francisco, at three stops on the Inman News (@InmanNews) Agent Reboot (@agentreboot) tour (Seattle, Las Vegas and Portland), at NARdiGras, and, finally, and at Inman Connect New York in a few weeks.
- #RTB Radio: We completed Season 1 of “#RTB on the Radio,” and we are in the middle of Season 2. We’ve been blessed with some of the biggest names in the industry, including Stefan Swanepoel (@Swanepoel, twice), Marc Davison (@1000WattMarc; twice), Nicole Nicolay (@Nik_Nik), Reggie Nicolay (@ReggieRPR, twice), Jay Thompson (@phxREguy, twice), Joel Burslem (@JBurslem), Darin Persinger (@DarinPersinger), Liz Landry (@Liz_Landry), Benjamin Bach (@BenjaminBach), Chris Smith (@TechSavvyAgent) and many others. We even had Erik Qualman (@Equalman), the author of “Socialnomics” and those amazing “Social Media Revolution” videos, on the show.
- Meeting Icons IRL: This year, I was blessed to meet personally Swanepoel, Davison, Sherry Chris (@SherryChris), Krisstina Wise (@KrisstinaWise), Burslem, the Nicolays, Jay Thompson, Dan Rothamel (@RealEstateZebra), Dale Chumbley (@DaleChumbley), Alex Chang (@AlexChangSF) and Chris Smith. These are people at the forefront and cutting edge of my industry. It was a true honor to meet all of them, and the best part is that I consider many of them friends now. At right, that’s Todd and me with Nicole Nicolay, the “Original Gangsta” of Social Media in real estate, in San Francisco.
- Beta Brokerage: Professional One was named a “Beta Brokerage of the Future” by BH&G. We were truly honored by this recognition.
- Blogapalooza: By my rough estimate, Todd and I wrote approximately 250 blog posts between the two of us, spread across three blogs: this one, Plymouth-real-estate.us, and 500CoolThings.com. And I also write for MacSavvyAgent.com and a Dale Carnegie blog. We’ve been bitten by the blog bug. Badly.
- Amazing People: I’m going to forget someone important, I know it, but I’m going to try this nonetheless. I met a BOATLOAD of awesome people IRL this year, including all of the following (in no particular order): Darin Persinger, Linda Aaron, Debra Trappen, Jason Hillard , Dan Keller, Kelley Skar, Teri Conrad, Rebecca Permarck, Ricardo Bueno, Jeff Bernheisel, Garron Selliken, Loren Sanders, Chris Nichols, Greg Grospitch, Bob Watson, Mark Jeffers, Andy Kaufman, Todd Carpenter, Rudy Bachraty, Bobbi Howe, Melissa Del Gaudio, Tara Christianson, Joshua Darnell, Mike Bowler, Wendy Forsythe and Thesa Chambers. And I communicated frequently with other awesome people that I know I’ll meet soon and hope to collaborate with in the future, including Garry Wise, Jonathan Rivera, Suzanne Boss, Andrea Geller, Maya Paveza, Jeremy Blanton, Dana Moos, Janie Coffey, Tom Royce, John McClung, Tyler Webb, Gina Kay Landis, Bob Fortner, Nikki Beauchamp, Diane Guercio, Lesley Lambert, Rob Chubb, Stacie Wells, Stacy Stateham, Marc Pina, Dekerk Massey and Lisa Ludlow Archer, among others.
- Blog Post: Chris Smith of TechSavvyAgent.com wrote a blog post about me in terms of my accomplishments re Twitter. It was truly an honor to be recognized by arguably the hottest entity in the mashup of Social Media and real estate.
- #RTB Movement: Our number 1 passion in real estate is to hopefully raise the bar in an industry that we feel should be on par with the legal, public accounting or medical professions. It was super rewarding and exciting to be a part of this larger conversation. Special thanks go out to Swanepoel, Davison, Burslem, Brian Boero, Thompson, Smith, Wise, Bowler, Geller, Rob Hahn, Jeffrey Douglass, Jim Duncan, Ken Brand and many others for helping to move this issue to the forefront of the attention of the industry at large. I think we are making a difference. Thanks to everyone for the help you’ve provided.
- These Two Tweets: If you understand the significance of Davison and Smith and their respective voices in my industry, these Tweets are self-explanatory. We are humbled and encouraged to be recognized by these two industry leaders:
The Potentially Valuable Takeaway
Every single one of these things is, or is the result of, something we’re doing in Social Media.
Blogging, Facebook, Twitter and BlogTalkRadio.
Every item on our “Shipped List” came from one of these four activities.
To all of you who had a hand in making this year so special for us, we say “THANK YOU!”
We look forward to an even an even bigger and better “Shipped List” in 2011…